How to Be More Productive Working at Home: Practical Tips for Remote Success

I’ve been working remotely for the past five months as a sales coordinator for an incredible skincare brand. This was totally new for me because, up until then, all my jobs had been on-site. From babysitting to waitressing and then a full-time summer internship in an office, I was used to physically going somewhere to work.

Working remote may sound like a dream to people who are still going in person—and while there are pros and cons to both—remote workers know the struggles of staying focused, motivated, and even battling loneliness. It was really hard for me at first, especially since I was living at home after college without a set place to go to work. Five months may not sound like much, but I’ve learned so much about making a schedule that not only keeps me productive but makes me feel good about my day. Here are some of the best tips that have truly transformed my work-from-home routine.

1. Create a Dedicated Workspace

One of the hardest things about working remotely is separating your work life from your home life. I struggled with this a lot at the beginning because I didn’t have a set space just for work, and it felt like I was always in work mode. That’s when I realized I needed a dedicated workspace to mentally switch into “work mode.”

In my house, there’s a desk in the front that has a clean, bright environment, and this space has made a huge difference. I found out that I wasn’t nearly as productive in my bed or on the couch (surprising, right?). I also heard from the book Atomic Habits that habits are formed more easily when you separate work from relaxation.

Even if you don’t have a home office, you can still assign a specific chair at your dining table as your workspace while the rest are for eating. This simple separation can help you mentally shift into work mode.

My Office!

2. Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Personal Time

It’s easy to blur the lines between work and home life when your workspace is just a few steps from your bedroom. That’s why setting clear boundaries is crucial to avoid burnout.

Stick to one time to wake up each day, even if your job doesn’t have an exact timeline. Maintaining a routine can help you feel more structured. Also, be sure to give yourself a cut-off time—a point in the day when work is over and it’s time to unwind. It’s important not to work yourself too hard and to know when to log off.

3. Optimize Your Daily Schedule

Creating a daily schedule is key to staying productive. I’ve found that using time-blocking helps me structure my day better. Every morning, before I work out, I sit at my kitchen counter and answer important emails. That way, I can have a stress-free workout knowing I’ve already handled pressing tasks.

A great tool to help prioritize tasks is the Eisenhower Matrix. It’s a simple framework for organizing tasks by urgency and importance:

  • Important and urgent: Tasks to do immediately.

  • Important but not urgent: Tasks to schedule for later.

  • Not important but urgent: Tasks to delegate if possible.

  • Not important and not urgent: Tasks to eliminate or spend less time on.

This method helps you decide what needs immediate attention and what can wait, keeping your day more organized and less overwhelming.

I also like to write down in my journal the main things I’d like to get done for the day, as well as bigger goals I have for the week. This helps me stay focused on both short-term and long-term tasks.

I use a notepad and a journal for reminders!

4. Take Regular Breaks

Breaks are essential to avoiding burnout and keeping your mind fresh. I used to try to power through the day without breaks, but now I make sure to step away from my computer throughout the day.

  • Stretching: A few quick stretches can help relieve tension from sitting too long.

  • Grab a snack or drink: I love grabbing a coffee or a healthy snack to recharge.

  • Get outside: Even just standing by a window or stepping out for a few minutes of fresh air can improve your focus.

5. Dress for Success

Even though I’m working from home, I’ve found that getting dressed as if I’m heading into the office makes me feel more professional and focused. I do my makeup and hair, which makes me feel more motivated and ready for the day. Even though I’m not seeing other people, I do it for myself, and it has a positive impact on how productive I feel.

6. Minimize Distractions

Distractions are everywhere when you’re working from home. Personally, I get distracted by my phone, social media, or even sitting on the couch watching TV instead of doing chores like laundry. Here are some tips to help minimize distractions:

  • Set “do not disturb” times on your phone or computer.

  • Turn off notifications for non-work-related apps during work hours.

  • Create a to-do list: Writing down what you need to accomplish helps keep you on track.

7. Stay Active and Take Breaks

Staying active while working remotely is so important, especially when you're sitting for most of the day. I like to take my dog for a walk in the afternoons or do Pilates or strength training at the gym. Movement is key for staying energized and focused.

I always look forward to my pilates workouts in the mornings. 

8. Be Proactive in Zoom Meetings

Being present and engaged in Zoom meetings can sometimes be difficult, especially during long sessions. I’ve heard a few helpful tips for staying proactive and engaged in virtual meetings:

  • Turn on your camera: This not only keeps you accountable but also helps build a connection with your team.

  • Take notes: Actively listening and taking notes can help you stay focused on the discussion.

  • Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to contribute and ask for clarification when needed. Engaging helps you stay present.

9. Communicate with Your Team

Communication is key when you’re not physically in the same space as your coworkers. Over-communicating, especially in a remote setting, helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page. Video calls for important discussions also help build stronger relationships and provide better clarity than emails or chat messages.

10. Set End-of-Day Rituals to Disconnect

Having a set routine to close out your workday can help you mentally disconnect from work mode and transition into relaxation time. Here are a few rituals I’ve found helpful:

  • Shut down your computer: Closing your laptop signals the end of the workday.

  • Tidy up your workspace: A clean space sets you up for success the next day.

  • Do something you enjoy: Whether it’s exercising, reading, or unwinding with a show, having a relaxing post-work routine can help you fully recharge.


Working from home comes with its own set of challenges, but with a few simple adjustments, it’s possible to create a productive, balanced routine. By creating a dedicated workspace, setting boundaries, optimizing your schedule, and minimizing distractions, you can stay focused and feel more accomplished at the end of each day. I hope these tips help make your remote workdays smoother and more enjoyable!


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